8 Reasons Why EyeEm Is Worth It Even For A Simple Photography Amateur

    2024-09-20 14:51

    EyeEm's team does great work at providing photographers with tips to improve their photography or get the most out of their device and surroundings. As such, EyeEm's blog is a great resource, and I would suggest you spend time reading their quality content to make progress. 5. EyeEm Guides You Into New Trends That Sell

    8 Reasons Why EyeEm Is Worth It Even For A Simple Photography Amateur

    隨手拍照上傳EyeEm賺錢 - 林人青 ReOpen

    EyeEm破產消息. EyeEm files for bankruptcy. 柏林 Instagram 競爭對手 Eyeem 申請破產保護. 隨手拍照也可以賺錢,而且還能輕鬆上到國際Getty圖庫販售! 過去聽來遙遠的事情,在這數位時代真的能實現。. 德國身分的EyeEm,是名氣似乎比不上Instagram,但仔細搜尋,還是不少人在 ...

    EyeEm, the photo marketplace, changes hands as Freepik ... - TechCrunch

    EyeEm's new owner Freepik, founded in 2010, arguably also was birthed in that same era, although it is a different kind of startup story: profitable almost from day one, bootstrapped before the ...

    EyeEm Has Filed for Bankruptcy | PetaPixel

    Apr 05, 2023. Jaron Schneider. German technology and stock photography company EyeEm has reportedly filed for bankruptcy and is insolvent. The company originally set itself apart from competitors ...

    【EyeEm審查/ EyeEm賺錢分享】我在Getty圖庫銷售的5張照片 (2023更換合作夥伴為freepik)

    柏林 Instagram 競爭對手 Eyeem 申請破產保護 想在EyeEm合作的Getty圖庫銷售照片,就要先過EyeEm審核這一關,我自己是把審核這件事當作一個小鼓勵,得失心沒有很重,畢竟這個APP裡面隨便找都蠻多高手的,主要上傳的照片要夠大夠清楚,否則就會被勸退不讓上傳。

    EyeEm Has Filed for Bankruptcy - What Happened? - Stock Photo Secrets

    Signs of Struggle in EyeEm for Years. As we timely reported, EyeEm was acquired by Swiss investment company New Value AG -trading as Talenthouse AG- in March 2021 and rebranded into EyeEm by Talenthouse. It was disclosed at the time that the firm paid $40 Million for the purchase. Yet, only a few months later, Talenthouse valuated EyeEm in a single-digit million amount.

    EyeEm - Wikipedia

    EyeEm (originally Eye'em), pronounced "I am", is a German technology company that provides services related to photography.It was co-founded by Florian Meissner, Ramzi Rizk, Gen Sadakane, and Lorenz Aschoff in Berlin in 2011.. With a community of over 18 million users and 70 million photos as of August 2016, the company uses artificial intelligence to find the images to license to brands ...

    Berliner Instagram-Konkurrent Eyeem meldet Insolvenz an

    Abstieg eines Berliner Startup-Pioniers: Eyeem meldet Insolvenz an. Alex Hofmann. 04 Apr 2023. Die Berliner Fotoplattform Eyeem bekam viel Hype, als Star-Investor Peter Thiel einstieg und sie kurzzeitig sogar an Instagram vorbeizog. Nun steht die Firma vor dem Aus. Gehörte lange zum Berliner Startup-Establishment: die Fotoplattform Eyeem.

    EyeEm - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    EyeEm是一家全球攝影社區公司,由Florian Meissner、Ramzi Rizk、Gen Sadakane和Lorenz Aschoff在德國柏林創辦 。 攝影師可以在Eyeem.com和EyeEm移動應用分享照片、互動和學習攝影知識 。 該公司能用人工智能找到最好的照片,並將這些照片授權給品牌、機構或個人 。 截至2016年8月,有超過1800萬名攝影師入駐該社區 ...

    How to sell your pictures on Getty with EyeEm - Fabio Nodari

    Then, if Getty approves them, they appear on the Getty market after a while. To summarize, the steps are these: Upload your pictures on EyeEm. Specify if you want to sell your images on Getty. After a while, you'll get an email with a list of approved photos ready to be proposed to Getty.

    Selling photos on EyeEm, is it worth it? I sold 21 photos for ... - Reddit

    The bottom fell out of stock photography about 2012. In about 2006-2012, I used to make about $400-$600 per month on microstock alone. Then Google made some major changes to its search engine and it affected almost all of the small stock agencies.

    攝影分享平臺EyeEm變更服務條款,將利用平臺上的照片來訓練AI模型 | iThome

    攝影分享平臺EyeEm的一名用戶Powen Shiah在4月初收到該平臺的來信,指稱該平臺變更其服務條款,將利用平臺上的照片來訓練AI模型,若不願意自己的照片被使用,則必須自行刪除。. EyeEm在2011年創立於德國,為一攝影照片交流平臺,提供用戶有關照片、技術或經驗的分享,在2015年推出EyeEm Market,允許 ...

    Vom Hype zum Insolvenzverfahren: Berliner Instagram-Konkurrent Eyeem ...

    Der Berliner Fotodienst Eyeem, der einst als Konkurrent von Instagram galt und später zu einer mobilen Plattform für professionelle Fotografen werden wollte, ist pleite. Zuletzt haben sich die ...

    EyeEm Market - A Contributor Guide › My Stock Photo

    2. By Amos Struck on May 13, 2014 Mobile Stock. Last fall, Berlin based mobile photography startup EyeEm has announced their upcoming EyeEm Market which will allow photographers to sell licenses for their mobile images they shot and uploading through the popular community app. While the marketplace itself is planned to open in summer, the first ...

    Users of EyeEm. Has anyone ever gotten paid from the site for ... - Reddit

    EyeEm user here, I have 86 photos under commercial and 72 under the Getty, but the site continues to say it's just Market Beta, "During Beta, you have the opportunity to prepare your photos for sale and to maximize your earning potential when Market goes live.Take this time to familiar yourself with the process, which we're improving every day thanks to your feedback."

    Making Money on EyeEm Market: A Photographer Shares His Tips

    Michael Zwahlen ( @MichaelJay) is a Berlin based photographer who has made a success out of selling photos online with EyeEm Market. We asked him to share some best practices and he sent us the following tips. I have made more than $1250 in the first four months of 2017, with just above 1000 images on EyeEm Market.

    EyeEm 相片販售平台使用心得 - Medium

    如何在EyeEm售圖。我的上圖心得和練習方法。. "EyeEm 相片販售平台使用心得" is published by Houses Cheung in 自創生活編輯室 Inn pub.

    隨手用EyeEm拍照賺錢,而且還能輕鬆上到國際Getty圖庫販售! - YouTube

    人手一機拍照近乎日常、隨手拍隨手上傳不定期會有可能收益,也算是被動收入之一,速速下載EyeEm吧!完整分享請上網站閱讀全文 : 隨手用EyeEm拍照 ...

    How long does it take for my photos to get reviewed? - EyeEm

    Once you have added a photo to Market, one of EyeEm's reviewers will check if it needs any releases. Review time can vary from a few days to a couple of weeks. You may see some photos going through the process very quickly, whilst others take longer. EyeEm's computer vision technology identifies photos with the highest commercial potential.

    被頒令破產 公司清盤 潘蘇通上訴遭駁回 - 東方日報

    近年屢傳財困、前高銀金融主席潘蘇通,2022年因其全資持有的Silver Starlight Limited(下稱「公司」)未有清還80億元貸款,被高院原訟庭頒令破產,公司亦遭下令清盤。早前潘就破產令及清盤令,及原訟庭拒絕他要求押後審理破產案的決定申請上訴。上訴庭昨日頒判詞,認為原審法官沒有犯錯,一併 ...

    #EyeEmPaid: What Sold on EyeEm Market in 2020 | EyeEm

    Our Top Selling Images of 2020. When it comes to commercial images, 2020 was all about people and their lives. Our image buyers have been searching for everything involving people in real environments. In other words, this year's top sellers have been images showcasing people at work or at home, homeschooling and e-learning, home workouts ...

    剛破產又出現瑕疵 Fisker將召回美歐1.2萬輛電動車 - 自由財經

    美國電動車新創公司Fisker因長年飽受虧損於6月17日申請破產保護。(歐新社) 吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾被譽為「汽車界的蘋果」、「特斯拉殺手」的美國電動車新創Fisker,近年飽受虧損及現金短缺所苦,於6月17日正式申請破產,沒想到禍不單行,近日又因汽車零件故障,宣布在 ...

    Our Step by Step Guide to The Image Review Process | EyeEm

    1. Upload Your Photo. The first step is to upload your image - this part we'll leave to you. We can't wait to see what you'll be adding to EyeEm Market! 2. Photo Checked For Required Technical Requirements. There are a few things you need to make sure of when you're uploading to Market.

    謝國樑剉咧等!罷免連署逾4萬份 基隆人施政反應曝「公子哥亂花錢」

    公民團體「山海公民拆樑行動」發起罷免基隆市長謝國樑,已經收到破4萬份連署書,遠遠超過第二階段至少需3萬792人連署,不過連署行動仍未停止 ...

    EyeEm - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    EyeEm是一家全球攝影社區公司,由Florian Meissner、Ramzi Rizk、Gen Sadakane和Lorenz Aschoff在德國柏林創辦 。 攝影師可以在Eyeem.com和EyeEm移動應用分享照片、互動和學習攝影知識 。 該公司能用人工智慧找到最好的照片,並將這些照片授權給品牌、機構或個人 。 截至2016年8月,有超過1800萬名攝影師入駐該社區 ...



    Fisker 禍不單行破產又發現瑕疵,召回逾 1.2 萬輛 | TechNews 科技新報

    曾號稱「特斯拉殺手」的新創電動車廠 Fisker 日前正式聲請破產,然而禍不單行,6 月 28 日,Fisker 又宣布召回北美及歐洲超過 12,000 輛電動車,為本月以來第三次發起召回。 路透社等外媒報導,Fisker 6月28日發布召回公告,主動召回美國、加拿大及歐洲共12,523輛Fiske...